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Messages from Nature and the Galaxy.

Welcome to my first blog. I have given it this title as this is what I see it as being. Offering support, guidance and my take on life which comes from my relationship to Nature and the

Galaxy. A reminder we are connected and a part of this Universe, not something separate from it.

This essentially is our journey, every lifetime we come back here, to remember that we are a part of this amazing planet, that when we look up at the stars, we are a part of the stars. To reconnect from a deep place of knowing and remembrance.

Our many incarnations in this physical realm have taken us away from this deep knowing. We live in a way that is disconnected. From the planet on which we live, the cosmic energies above us, from each other and from ourselves.

We are now being given the opportunity to reconnect and remember. Remember we are a part of nature, not something separate from her. That every single person on this planet is connected to each other and that we are here to support each other.

We are being invited to go on this deep journey inside, to remember the true nature of who we are and to observe and reflect on aspects of ourselves that are not supporting this. To allow the deep healing to take place, to release the lifetimes of suffering that we all hold deep in our being.

I am here to guide and support you on this journey and these blogs will be a part of that as well as You Tube videos which will be linked from here.

Bye for now and thank you for taking the time to read this.

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